Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The one that wasn't

Background: I am in the middle (beginning? who knows?) of an injectable cycle (Gonal F) to induce follicle growth. Having ultrasounds and blood work every few days to check progress.

Deep background: This is the latest after a bunch of rounds of Clomid which I had zero response to, except some super-awful side effects!

Abyss background: We have been trying to get pregnant for about 7 years, but I have PCOS and seem to be better suited to creating vision boards than human beings. It's personal, I'm going to try to be serious.  This year may be the year that we exhaust our options, and I find myself needing to vent about it a lot. 

Today's Update: I had my 7:30 Ultrasound and blood work.  It's nice they can see me so early because I can usually get to work on time. See, no one at work knows what I'm up to, and it's none of their business.  However this process is ALL CONSUMING so it is hard to keep that secret and keep my poker face for months and months.

Anyhow, today, not so good news.  This little follicle we've been watching for a week and a half is kaput. "It's getting smaller and I don't think it's going to ovulate," the doctor said. (She's pregnant so that must be good luck, right? Good hormones?) So we just keep injecting and injecting til more follicles wake up and grow. The doctors have promised me they will get me to ovulate, we just don't know how many weeks, expensive orders of medication it will take.  I have to stop dwelling on the cost, Nick says it's ok.


  1. I am so glad to get to read about your ovaries. Don't dwell on anything, just send good mojo to your ovaries. I am.


    1. Thank you, stay tuned. :) I wish I could get little sonogram pics of my ovaries like people have of their babies.

  2. Go little ovaries! go go go! *cheers*

    1. Could you record the cheer so I can play it for them?
